First of all I would like to say that it has been a most enjoyable experience to use Delphi. I have designed and used quite a few programming environments and Delphi is something to be proud of. And its a hell of a first release, I wish my first release software worked as nice. There is no argument that the program has its flaws and that the documentation still needs some work BUT on the whole its a great system. Congratulations go to the design team. I have been doing wonderful things here with Delphi. I have been programming components like a mad man, fun fun fun. They range from transparent buttons to dynamic object cursors and extended list and list boxes to a geometry based layout engine. I have even sent examples of my work to some of my fellow delphians here on CompuServe to help them along with their own projects. While I cannot give out the larger components I have gotten the okay to release a few of the smaller, but no less useful, ones. ** NeoComboBox This is a variation on the TComboBox class, it remaps the CBN_SELECTCHANGE message and causes it to generate an OnListPick event if its defined. I needed the OnListPick because I really did not want to be notified when the user was just typing in the ComboBox's edit field. Source code has been included. ** BevelNCaption This components combines the caption of TGroupBox and low overhead of TBevel. I have not included the source code because it is based heavily on TGroupBox and TBevel. If you own VCL source code you can send me E-mail and I will send you the source. ** GlassButton This is the mythical transparent button. I have sent this to some of you via E-MAIL and since I solved the SetPosition problem I figured that I would release it to the rest of the delphians out there. Source code has been included. Eddie Churchill 9050 Markville, #632 Dallas Texas 75243 CIS: 75300,361 p.s. If you have improvements or suggestion feel free to drop me an E-mail message.